Meet Victoria…

Victoria Redbard is Australia’s leading sexuality expert. A speaker, author, facilitator and altogether business badass. Over the past 3 years she founded the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy™, a globally accredited sexuality school honing its cutting-edge Self Pleasure Modality™. She is also the driving force behind the Enlightenment in The Bedroom events, the Tedx of sexuality held in 9 locations over Australia. Through a delicious mix of intuition, instinct, and passion she wakes people up to the innocent aliveness of their erotic nature.

Her professional training includes:

Somatic Sexology Brazil (Certified Sexological Bodyworker)
Yoga Teacher Training India 200 Hours
Ayurveda Practitioner
International School of Temple Arts
Landmark Graduate
Spiral Practitioner

Sexological bodywork involves a variety of instructive modalities, including breath work, touch, erotic massage, genital mapping and masturbation coaching.

The main reasons people come to see me are:
- Premature ejaculation.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Post-surgical procedures.
- Inability to orgasm.
- Disappointing orgasms.
- Pelvic pain relief.
- Couples wanting to reconnect sexually.
- Couples wanting to explore more pleasure 

Download Your Free Sex Magic Meditation

With this 30 minute meditation you will enjoy the opportunity to experience real sex magic with yourself or a partner.